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Thursday, July 23, 2009

The four commandments of fashion

Filipina girls always try their best to look real good, better perhaps. The mall displays catch them adoring certain brands and mimicking certain styles. Pinay women also get caught on the fashion frenzy. I tell you, stares follow ladies who dress strikingly. Some get struck, some say ‘wow’, others get mesmerized, and still others pat their foreheads.

Well, some Pinay women sometimes get confused with how to dress themselves better. Here are some points for you dear Pinays if you really love beauty. There are actually no hard-and-fast rules of fashion but most style experts agree on a few essential principles no matter how inexpensive and tacky your clothes are. Actually, these are the four commandments of the fashion Bible:

1. Always Look Neat and Clean. Except for some special occasion, it's best to keep your jeans unframed, your shirt unstained and your shoes unscuffed. Grime is passé, so live with it. Take good care of your clothes and make sure you follow the right directions .Polish your boots. De-fuzz your sweaters. Even if you can't make yourself into the world's most gentle dresser, you can always improve your appearance by looking well-kept.

2. Don't Overdo Trends. Even if leopard print is "in." In an effort to look oh-so chic, you go out and buy a hat, blouse, skirt, bag and shoes-all in leopard print. Bad move actually. It is common sense. No one would love to do like that. Similarly, don't saturate your wardrobe with any single style or silhouette. So moderation is more important to us.

3. Keep Ultra-Bright Colors Away From the Face No matter what your skin tone looks like, you will not look good in a bright green sweater. No one is perfect so do not trust that you will look still pretty with every kinds of pattern and color. To choose what really fit you and ignore something all of people think ugly. That is simply wise choice.

4. Ignore Lame Clichés. You may often hear about something like "Make sure your shoes match your bag." or "Never pair stripes with plaid." Well, we're here to say that it's all a bunch of hogwash. In today's fashion trend the hardest thing is to be creative and open to new ideas. If this means ignoring old adages and overstepping traditional bounds, so be it.

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